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Světový pohár ČF / ČF World Cup 2018

Světový pohár ČF / ČF World Cup  OMS Benešov 29.9.-30.9. 208 CACIT, res. CACIT, CACT, res. CACT   

 Propozice>>pdf icon     Soutěžní řád>>pdf icon     Přihláška>>pdf iconProposition club show >>pdf icon    Competition rule český fousek world cup >>pdf icon     Application club show >> doc icon   Application ČF World Cup >> doc icon    


Dear Friends,

I have some more information’s about World cup and club show for You.

I hope You have a plan to came to this meeting and participate as your country representative.

There is applications and proposition for club show.

 Application Club show and proposition.

  • Conditions for this club show is standard as You know, when You participate at dog show
  • Konopiště is about 50 km south east from Prague. It is at the same place where will be World cup. Hotel for the participants will be at the same place. Other possibility to accommodations is close with this place. It is known touristic area with nice castle.
  • There will be probably 2 rings. One for the males and other for females. First will be judging of white fousek`s and then after brown fousek’s.
  • Club show is under regulations of FCI open for dogs with FCI countries pedigrees and for dogs with pedigree of FCI partner organizations.

Application World cup

  • There is necessary to full fill only first page. Second page is for judges.
  • As I wrote, there is not necessary to have gun. Handlers with gun need European gun license and here in Czech Republic pay insurance. We will organize it with some insurance company for handlers who will need it. Handlers without gun will have for the disciplines where is necessary to shoot, some Czech hunter, who will shoot for them. This handlers will  pay morning before competition charge 100 CZK, about it.
  • We work about details of proposition for world cup. Each handler who will send application will obtain it in time.
  • There is big pheasantry in Konopiště. Disciplines of World cup will around this place, so the dogs will work mainly about pheasants. There will be no farm pheasants, because hundreds of then fly away from pheasantry.
  • Near of Konopiště is places with lakes and there will be possible to work about water disciplines. For the discipline hunt after live duck we will have for each dog live wild duck from farm.
  • All dogs will run World cup together, by results of judging will on the end split to young dogs (younger than 24 mounts) and older. There will be than after junior winner and adult winner of World cup.
  • One part of dogs will first day work on field and second on water. Second group first day in water and second day in field.
  • There is necessary to send copy of pedigree with application.
  • Entry fee for world cup is 150 €

The entry fee shall be transferred to the following account of  FIO Bank

Bank transfer to account       2700549132/2010 (FIO         Banka)

IBAN:                                                CZ8220100000002700549132

BIC/SWIFT:                          FIOBCZPPXXX

Address of bank:                   Fio banka, a.s., V Celnici 1028/10, 117 21 Praha 1, Czech Republic

Address of branch of the bank:         Fio banka, a.s., Tyršova 64, 547 01 Náchod, Czech Republic

Entry fee send after 1st of July

  • On the bank transfer, the payer must state the
  1. 1. surname of the dog owner,
  2. 2. name of dog
  3. 3. write “World Cup Konopiste”

as the payment-reference information, otherwise the payment may not be correctly registered.

  • Payments must be made without charge to the payee (payment mode OUR).
  • Cesky Fousek World Cup is under regulations of FCI open for dogs with FCI countries pedigrees and for dogs with pedigree of FCI partner organizations.

Please, contact me if You need more information. I will send You more information about program, when all details will agreed by our club.

Please, send this e-mail to all of Your Cesky Fousek friends, who should interesting about this world meeting of Cesky Fousek breeders and handlers.

We are very looking for team and visitors of Your country.

Best regards

Pavel Dostál



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